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Wedding Cake

Artist : Jacqueline Tse



Height (cm): 45

Width (cm): 27

Depth (cm): 27

Technique: This porcelain sculpture is constructed by combining and layering various components over a foundation structure that is hand built with rolled slabs. The macarons, oreos, cupcakes and gummy bears are slip cast from a mold that I made with the actual food item. I make silicone molds out of the food item first, then I make a plaster positive of it with that silicone mold, and then a plaster mold is made from that plaster positive. For the ice cream cones, I created a plaster mold of an edible waffle I made. For the skulls and doughnuts, I hand built and carved them in clay first, and then made plaster molds of them. After I slip cast and press mold multiples of these components, I hand decorate each one with clay slips that I have made in different consistencies to achieve different effects to look like frosting, whipped cream and ice cream, some are applied by piping with a pastry bag with various style piping tips. For both the round and long sprinkles, they are made individually by hand rolling. I then play around with different arrangements of all these elements that I have individually completed. After all the pieces are attached to my liking, I smooth out all surfaces with a moist paint brush. The piece is then dried very slowly and fired in an electric kiln to 2232 degrees fahrenheit.

Year of completion: 2018

My work speaks to the anxieties of being human, particularly the dilemmas of everyday urban life. It is an ongoing exploration of shameless consumerism (of both tangible goods and social media), greed and gluttony as a remedy to our mental health and well being. While still celebrating the beauty and flaws of these fragile conditions. By combining a variety of sculpting techniques, I create intricate sculptures of porcelain confections with an irresistibly perturbing charm, resulting in a surreal dimension beyond dreams where sugar and fetus skulls are remixed into a delicate bittersweet pop narrative. Hiding behind the enchanting sugar surface are subliminal messages against the over indulgent contemporary society, and how I too fell victim to this disease. These works are fueled by my personal love-hate relationship with sugar and part memento mori. It is an ode to my obsessive and indulgent nature, childhood nostalgia, love of pastry arts, frustration, and ultimately, acceptance of my addiction to sugar. White is the color of death in Chinese culture, and this work is about the peace I have made towards my sugar addiction. The bare bone-like surfaces of the porcelain are meant to be evocative and peaceful at the same time. Another reason I chose not to color this work is because I find color very visually addictive. Especially in the context of the current fast paced digital world where we are constantly bombarded with messages of consumption throughout social media, I wanted to pull away from that distraction so the viewer can be present and focus on the details and form.

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